No way to rationalize this situation.
Aside the legalities... How in hell does one "aside" the legalities???... the actions for Messr.s Bernancke, Paulson, Bush and whatever members of government may be included... are outrageous and pander to what we seem to have named the "FAT CATS".

If there are iniquities, let the cost fall on the FAT CATS... and use America's money to bail out the little guy who got caught in a crossfire of greed. We could "fix" the situation for one one hundredth of what we'll be paying to bail out the greedy ones who got into this mess by themselves.

In the very worst days of Boss Tweed and the days of the Robber Barons, there was never such blatant treachery and doubledealing as we're seeing right not.

Too Big to Fail? Never Mind Freddie and Fannie and Bear Stearns and AIG... Too big to Fail????

How about America! America is Not too big to fail.

The last safety nets are gone... The FDIC is broke, and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Fund never seriously existed. Social Security was tapped out long ago, and the Medicare, Medicaid system is funded only on a day to day basis.

The actions of people with very dirty hands is doing in one short three or four months, what was built over the past 230 years.

We have a word for the people who turn their backs on their vows and their responsibilities.


How will the financial crisis develop? Hah... It already has, and there is no person or law that will stop this trip to the status of a proverbial Banana Republic.

Who will defend this treachery? Who has the unmitigated arrogance or ignorance to suggest that these actions are in the interests of the country.

The lessons of Enron were learned too well, and now the world of finance has taken the step towards governing the country in its own interests.

As the closing bell rings at the NYSE tomorrow... watch the joy of the new ruling class.

Last edited by itstarted; 09/17/08 02:01 AM.

Life is Good!