Originally Posted by kap17
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
1) end up adding trillions of dollars to the national debt; and

Is it not the role of a government to stabilize the economy of the country? What benefit do the people of USA have from a prolonged recession?

2) offer no incentive to private entities to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Just crazy.

And if those big boys making the millions are taught a lesson, how does that benefit the people losing their homes, losing their retierment money, losing their jobs. Please explain that to me.

Yes, the past 30 years of deregulation in the US financial markets have brought this on and Democrats and Republicans have plenty of blame to share for that. What is done is done. Now it's time to get the economy back on it's feet and part of any country's economy has been government spending.

How does it affect your daily life if the US national debt is 12 trillion instead of 10 trillion? It doesn't.

Is your daily life affected if you don't have a job and you're about to lose your home? I bet it does.

Kap17, there is logic to your point, I agree. But that is yet another short term solution to a problem that I and some others contend is a systemic weakness. It is a ponzi scheme that has no "there" there.

Yes addint a few trillion to the national debt seems like a "so what" proposition. But if you think further, that debt has to be underwritten by someone. It requires some entity to actually pony up the money to cover the debt.

We appear to be close to having run out of such savior entities. Some day it will end and then what?

Further, as is pointed out, why should we underwrite the debt but the profit goes to the investors?

I did not take on debt because I felt it imprudent. Why should I pay for your debts?

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul