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Ultimately, I want radical changes to our economic system. I want to dismantle the consumerism, debt and dominate culture that we live in. I think it is unhealthful to humans and the cause of most of the conflict in the world.
I think debting is the tool by which we are all kept captive and enslaved. I think it prevents most people from seeing the nature of their own enslavement so that any hope for accomplishing what I think is necessary highly unlikely.
I do not seek to punish anyone. Nor do I want to be an enabler to those who are caught up in a form of addiction. So far I have pulled myself from the debt system. It means I live a life with fewer things, but more happiness.
Now, in my opinion the current financial meltdown only proves my point. People caught in it want someone else to cover their addictive behavior, just as a drunk wants his wife (or reverse) to cover their behavior.
To carry that analogy further, with a drunk I might be willing to loan that person the money to go into rehab if I became convinced there was a reasonable chance of separating that person from alcohol forever.
In this situation I am concerned that nothing will be done to break the power of debt and financial gambling. Face it, that is what this all is, gambling. We just have fancy words for it. I would not hand someone addicted to gambling my credit card and i would rather not do so to big scale gamblers either.
Again, if I could see a long range plan to break consumerism and allow people to throw off the oppression of having to buy at the cost of their family and health, I would be more inclined to listen.
I see none of that at all. Everyone at that level, Bush, Obama, McCain are just trying to make it all right and avoid the pain that often occurs in a withdrawal. Unfortunately, I see no way to where I think we need to go without substantial pain. I do not seek the pain, but to me it will be necessary no matter what is done now.
Ponzi schemes just always come crashing down at one point.
Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul