From the linked article (man that is a long one):
Historians have identified the causes of the 1930 Depression as:
1) Too much savings in relation to consumer power due to income disparity;
2) Over capacity due to excessive investment from surplus capital;
3) Over stimulation through the growth of debt through new intricate system of inter linked debt obligations;
4) Legalized price fixing through mergers and acquisitions; big corporations maintain price and cut production instead of lowering prices, resulting in massive unemployment;
5) Economic growth too heavily dependent of big ticket durable goods that cannot sell in a depression thus slowing recovery;
6) Exhaustion of public confidence and optimism; and
7) The collapse of international trade (Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act).
8) Irresponsible foreign lending (the US was a creditor nation with a credit balance about twice the size of the total foreign investment in the US.)

All of these causes are still present today at a larger scale and faster reaction time, with the exception that the US is now the world’s biggest debtor nation.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul