Originally Posted by Ardy
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
I like Sen. Sanders proposals.

Yes, they are mostly good ideas

I would not go along with
) We must end the danger posed by companies that are “too big too fail,” that is, companies whose failure would cause systemic harm to the U.S. economy. If a company is too big to fail, it is too big to exist.
It seems to me that "too big to fail" should be a major consideration when companies merge under Anti-Trust law. All of these are conglomerates that are only too big to fail because they dominate the market and/or financial system.
I am willing to allow big companies to exist. But if a company is "too big to fail".... then the government has a responsibility to see that the company does not fail. And if the government has that responsibility, then the government also has the obligation to provide sufficient regulatory oversight as to pre-empt the possibly of failure. Moreover, to the extent that the government provides insurance against failure, the government should also participate in the profits of the enterprise as well as regulation of executive payout schemes so that there is no incentive for those executives to take excessive risks.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul