Originally Posted by Ardy
Originally Posted by issodhos
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Iss, could you please detail the experience that McCain has that Obama lacks?

Phil, could you please detail the track record the junior senator from Illinois has that would indicate experience in the area NW Ponderer was referring to?

No one is proposing that one should vote for Obama BECAUSE of his experience. And so there is really no cause to ask people to validate Obama's experience that is not claimed as the foundation for supporting Obama.

On the other hand there is a widespread proposition that McCain is highly experienced and that the experience factor is a very important reason WHY people should support him over Obama. And so in that context the question remains:
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Iss, could you please detail the experience that McCain has that Obama lacks?

If you refer back to NW Ponderer's post which I was responding to, you will see that he presented a list of votes that McCain made relative to military actions. He then wrote that "the same could not be said of Obama". Well, of course it could not. He has never had to vote on initiating military action (i.e., McCain has the experience in doing what NW Ponderer listed, Obama does not).

NW Ponderer provided the list of McCain's experience in this area. I suggest that others take the time to read that list.

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos