Fresh underwear sales in Ireland skyrocket

The Irish stock market saw its sharpest one-day fall in more than 25 years today as governments across Europe were forced to bail out three banks and the $700 billion plan to rescue American financial institutions failed to unlock money markets.

The Iseq fell by 493.25 points, or 13.0 per cent, to drop back to 3,291.52 points, its greatest decline in a quarter of a century and greatest ever one-day drop.

Anglo Irish Bank suffered the most, as its share price was almost halved, declining by €1.98 or 46.2 per cent, to €2.30. This is the steepest drop experienced by the bank since at least January 1987....

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."
(Philip K.Dick)