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And think about this for a moment, Kap. Assets that are not easily liquid are sometimes assets that aren't worth what someone claims they're worth.
Sound familiar?
CREDIT IS SLAVERY for one simple reason. Our system of credit is based on debt money. Therefore the control of credit is the creation of debt. To be forever indebted is to be a slave.
I agree that some of the evaluation models for some assets are outdated and frankly, some companies use some models that should not be allowed. But the point remains that Credit has been a huge part of our economy since WW2, if not before then.
The whole global economy is based on leveraging debt to raise the return on equity. Our government has FAILED us because it allowed financial companies to over leverage themselves. There is no reason why banks should have cash reserves as low as they had them when this whole mess started.
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. ~Chinese Proverb
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. ~Jon Hammond