Did any of you recommend or even mention a film named An American Crime? When I first put it on my netflix list, it had a long wait, so it obviously intrigued some viewers. This weekend the "long wait" ended, I watched it, and now it won't go away. It's based on a 1964 crime in Indiana where a woman with 6 children agrees to take care of 2 other girls whose parents work the carnival circuit and ultimately tortures one of them to death. It's grisly; I almost stopped watching at the first cigarette-burn scene. But I didn't.
Now I'm trying to figure out where I heard of it and how it appealed to me. It was made by people from Sweden and must have played on TV because IMDB reports it was up for a primetime Emmy. It's horribly interesting in terms of psychology--at leastto me--and perhaps because it's so understated.
Mostly I'm hoping that if I can figure out why I watched it, it will stop haunting me. Meanwhile I'm fighting an urge to watch it again because there has to be some logic behind what happened and I want to figure out what it was.
I wouldn't take the above as a recommendation--although its impact sure hit me upside my head.