But kap, that is precisely what some of us HAVE done.
We have sold gold and silver when the value went up.
Tuner is a genuine nut job alright, and he has a very large
investment in pinning all of this on Das Juden as do many nutjobs.
But that does not stop him from recognizing demonitization as a valid possibility, and it has already happened in the United States before and elsewhere. It's not his original idea.
Dispute Hal Tuner's credibility as a leader all day long if you like and I will agree with you wholeheartedly.
Call him a bigot, and I, being partly Jewish, will again agree with you wholeheartedly.
But there is validity in the concept of the Treasury declaring a force majeure, there is the distinct possibility of the gummint not having enough in the budget to pay the interest on our debts and there is no reason to assume that shipping copper coins to China is a bad idea.
Why would it be a bad idea? China NEEDS copper.
Not saying all of this will happen as Turner says it will, but something WILL happen and it will likely be somewhat close to this and there is every reason to believe that the Fed fully intends to destroy the dollar.
There's no way in hell it can continue to be a valid currency.
I'm completely aware of Daniel Carr's bogus Amero currency sale.
That's what Turner is showing on his website.
I understand that this is just another way to pump sales to Carr's bogus coin business.
I'm saying that the theory of something similar happening isn't completely bogus. It is entirely within the realm of possibility and more than a broken clock being right twice a day.