Originally Posted by humphreysmar
Hal Turner Shows New AMERO Currency

Someone, anyone, please tell me this man is Chicken Little.

This man is not only chicken little, but a hack as well.....I hope we come to understand that this story about the AMERO has been run into the ground by people who obviously didn't do much research on the subject. I have been telling people for the last two years that the AMERO was designed by a man named Dan Carr and produced [minted] by his company Designs Comput for the "spoof fantasy" coin market. He has made a fortune off the AMERO, and other coins he has produced. There has not been a single AMERO "minted" by the Treasury or the U.S. Mint, not one.

The AMERO is no different than the Ron Paul Liberty Dollars that were also minted by a private company.

If we are to ever get understanding, if we are to ever grasp what is really happening then we must never swallow before we chew.

Design Compute, Inc

By the way, Hal Turner who "broke" the story, I believe back in 2006...has also made a tidy profit from his scoop on the AMERO, imagine that. Besides, it wouldn't make much sense for the New World Order to spend the last 100 years or so implementing the Fiat Monetary and Fractional Reserve System to scrap that only to replace it with a Sound Money System they call the AMERO.

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."~Patrick Henry