Originally Posted by Checkerboard Strangler
It would make much more sense for them to destroy and demonitize the dollar and bring in an electronic "cashless" system which has been "recalibrated" to reflect "current economic conditions"
aka the crushing debt we all now owe to the moneychangers?


They have have spent the last 40 years destroying the dollar and every other currency, they have had a World Monetary System and World Currency for the last 40 years and its called the Fiat Monetary System. If you read the Fabian Socialist Political and Economic Planning Committee you will readily see that they have been extremely successful in their plans, the Fiat System is their plan and it has worked. They have worked extremely hard over the last 100 years to put this system in place, but they also placed far more faith in their ability to maintain such a system. The only way they could impose such a system was to piggy-back on a sound money system, they have nothing else upon which to build. They cannot replace the current system with a cashless system, because they have basically had that system embedded in the current Fiat System since the vast majority of the worlds currency is digital anyway. I don't give very much credence to the idea that the NWO is causing this latest panic as a gateway to a new global system, they already have that system in place and have for at least the last 40 years. I think the system is falling apart and with that collapse their power and wealth will also collapse.

I see an end to the NWO not a beginning, in fact, I see an end to the Debt Standard of Fiat Money, and end of the Fiat System and the Fractional Reserve System, along with the power-structure that has been so carefully built up around it.

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."~Patrick Henry