Originally Posted by Greger
Amazing RS simply amazing.

Greger, if you really want to read a truly shocking bit of information then please read, if you can find it, the 1970s "white paper" published by the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] entitled "1980s Project". In it there is a description of what they called "Controlled Disintegration" which precisely laid out a plan to basically bring about a global economic crisis for the sole purpose of gaining far more control over the global market place and the population. The "1980s Project" included plans for implementing a form of world governing body that closely resembles that promoted by both Bertrand Russel and H.G. Wells. The CFR stated that this next step would be the largest undertaking in history.

Another work by the CFR was entitled "Alternatives to Monetary Disorder" in which a very detailed blueprint is laid out for the disruption and consolidation of economic forces in this and other countries. Now, there are also indications that there were some who feared that once this process began that it would move beyond their ability to control it, once such person was Alan Greenspan who expressed his concerns in a speech before several of the groups at a conference on Global Financial Infrastructure on May 7, 1998. Basically, Greenspan stated that "they" needed to understand the risks that the heretofore "controlled disintegration" could potentially move into a "uncontrolled disintegration" and no longer just the controlled one they had so carefully engineered.

Interesting isn't it? So, does it sound like a conspiracy?

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."~Patrick Henry