Jules, I don't think I'm anything like alone in this disaster.
That's why I brought up the credit card defaults in a thread labeled "Prediction" There were thousands and thousands of guys around here that made their livings building houses. I don't know what they are doing right now but I assure you it aint building houses. So the guys that worked in the drywall plants, and the guys that milled the lumber, the folks working in the plumbing warehouses and selling new appliances, the people that sold them all workshoes and tools and and haircuts and machinery are all putting their gas on credit cards so they can afford to get to work and that's if they still have jobs. If they don't they are loading the credit cards and hoping things will change.

Anybody have any positive predictions for me and the rest of the blue collar crowd?
I'm laying off three guys today when I get to work.
Their little faces are just so sad when you tell them they have to go home. "Call me after Christmas guys. Sometimes it picks up after the first."

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...