I have written and discarded several posts about the Prop 8 results; let me see if this one will be the one that sticks:

I said elsewhere that I understand the feeling of betrayal by fellow citizens, because I experienced it. For that, and for simple reasons of fair application of civil rights, please understand on which side of the issue I very firmly place myself.

But I must also say that I am distressed by the anger and/or bitterness I'm seeing towards racial and ethnic minorities. First, there are other groups (according to the link) who contributed heavily to the disaster. Second, I think it was well known that Prop 8 would be a difficult "sell" in those communities. A lot of education and community work was necessary to win them over, which apparently didn't happen or didn't happen successfully. There is no blame attached to that statement, by the way; perhaps it simply wasn't possible.

It seems to me that in order to pass a Prop 8, a lot of bridges still need to be built. I have no clue as to the best way to do that -- but starting out by using blame to dig the gulf wider is not going to be productive in the long run.

I truly hope this event can be overturned as quickly as possible.

A 45’s quicker than 409
Betty’s cleaning’ house for the very last time
Betty’s bein’ bad