Kap, there are some programs that I would cut:
1. All enforcement of drug laws and release of all prisoners held on non-violent drug charges
2. All travel budgets for government agents and elected officials for "fact-finding" missions etc until this crisis is over
3. Moratorium of state hiring
4. Much of what the governor has proposed seems reasonable.
Those items would balance our budget right away if coupled with some form of tax increase.
I don't agree with any new taxes as things stand right now. California already has one of the highest overall tax rate in the nation and we're not first in anything. Before I line up for new taxes I'd better see some progress on the budget by first cutting funding for a lot of the programs which are not working. If that is still not enough and I see that the government has made at least shown some good faith in reducting spending, I'd be favorable to a TEMPORARY tax increase with a sunset date.