Originally Posted by Mellowicious
I am having a hard time with Veteran's Day this year...I would feel less bitter, I think, were we not continually making more war veterans.

So I'll turn to another topic.
The following quote is flying around Omaha email - no clue where it originated (probably not here) -

"Rosa sat so Martin could walk; Martin walked so Obama could run; Obama ran so our children can fly."

I couldn't figure out where else it would fit so I'm putting it here.

Thank you Julia. I just got back from working out at the gym and had an e-mail from a writer friend of mine. His brother "woke up dead" this morning. That is Rick-speak for the fact that his 67 year old brother with no previous health issued died in his sleep last night.

All of life is so temporary. All we really have is today. I'll dwell on that quote Julia. It will become my mantra to get me through today!


Where ever you go, there you are!