Originally Posted by Scoutgal
To those who don't "get" Veterans' Day. This is how we Americans celebrate this day. We remember those who fought, both living and dead. We know that even though certain leaders started wars for selfish reasons, the soldier did and does fight for freedom, and the ideals that we hold dear.

We are not criticizing how other countries celebrate-we try to remember with you, and thank all veterans from everywhere. It would be wonderful, and a step towards the peace and understanding so vaunted by the other countries if the same courtesy was returned.

Y'all seem to decry the nationalism of the United States, but proclaim your own as superior. A bit of the pot calling the kettle black. frown

Well whatever you think, I want you to know right this minute that I value each and every one of you and am so glad that we have this little corner of the internet to share each other.

Thanks to all for just being "you."


Where ever you go, there you are!