I confess that I once attended an SDS meeting on my college campus back around 1969. So I must have listened to people who had some association with those SDS killers and Weathermen symbolic property bombers. So I guess I am as morally responsible as William Ayers. Funny though, I have never felt like I wanted to blow anybody up. I did punch a bully in the nose in 10th grade. That pretty much sums up my contribution to violent acts. (Oops, I do enjoy a good steak.)

On the other hand, it might also be fun to play the "degrees of seperation" game starting with the guys who intentionally set off a much larger bomb to kill many people (including infants and children in the daycare center) in Oklahoma City.

By far, most of the political bombing fatalities in the US have been caused by right-wing groups rather than left-wing. If you expand the tallies to count all the people murdered by agents of the government, goon squads hired by corporations, and terrorist organizations like the KKK, then the ratio of right versus left political murders is probably 1000:1.

Not that I am condoning terrorist acts of course, but let's remember our history.