...the guidelines apply to office holders past and present.
I'm joining my neighborhood association this evening. Henceforth, I shall be called: mr. california rick

This morning I got a call from the new city that I moved to. One the phone was a lady from the SOLID WASTE DIVSION:
Lady: Our driver is outside of your home and he says that there is a large cardboard box sticking out of the blue recycling bin. Nothing can be sticking out of the recycling bin.
I go downstairs, open the garage door with the automatic garage door opener and there is a solid waste truck in front of my garage and the driver has a cell phone stuck in his ear.
I remove the card board box (fomerly holding the bed frame) and he grabs the bin with his automatic jaws and hoists the can up and shakes the contents into his truck.
I point to the long box. The driver gestures with a "I dunno"
I step closer to the truck and heave the box hard into the air and it lands into the truck.
I gave him a thumbs up!