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The U.S. auto industry executives didn't have the foresight to look down the road to develop cars that got better gas mileage or used alternative fuels.
...but they sure did have the foresight to earn a huge salary and bonuses!
Other industries have left the U.S. and we survived - the auto industry will just be another.
We taxpayers can't keep bailing everyone out. The finacial industry screwed us taxpayers without the hugs and the kisses and look at AIG - TWICE they've gone on "spa" meetings on our dime.
...the auto execs want a bailout when they each took private planes at a cost of $22k each instead of flying coach to DC when that is only $300.00 r/t? Gawd forbid an executive fly coach like us peons.
That's like a street person begging for a dollar, then driving off in a Lexus.
I'm sick-to-death of corporate handouts. We peons don't get any.