Originally Posted by Mellowicious
So maybe one of the strings that needs to be attached to the (topic alert) auto bailout is a study on how to re-direct America attitudes towards the automobile/auto culture?

Someone brought up earlier in the discussion that the American consumer is not entirely to blame for the choices Big Auto has made in marketing their products - whom they have tried to appeal to, and how they make those appeals. Advertising is designed to penetrate people at their most vulnerable. Big Auto concentrates on selling big autos because that's where they believe their profit margin is.

As for testosterone, guys . . . Guys. We have football, we have wrestling, we have boxing to the extreme and ultimate. We have James Bond, we have cops, we have gladiators, we have wars and we have jungles and we have the matrix. When is enough enough?

Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love,
to respect and be kind to one another,
so that we may grow with peace in mind.

(Native American prayer)