Originally Posted by Mellowicious
I'd love to find a way to steer this conversation back to the original topic, but I find I have to ask a question.

Originally Posted by CS
If racing goes electric, count on seeing electric motors that weigh a fraction of what they weigh now soon afterward.
And you can count on the electric racing business to show up with add-ons that breathe even more performance into the already fast electrics available today.

It may turn out to be the most exciting chapter in racing history.
It may also kick start the enthusiasm for the breed like nothing else will.

Then I vote we ban petroleum-based racing effective, oh, Dec. 31 2009.

If that's where the innovative people are, let's get them going in the right direction -- and look how many NASCAR fans would come right along with! (And no, that's not a shot at NASCAR or its fans.)

We've got enough bans. And it would never work (unless the big NASCAR families were behind it - then it might... but that is such a radical change, it's not really in the realm of possibility).

What would be better would be the opposite... OPEN UP racing to hybrids or pure electrics! Of course, that would never work either, because NASCAR is already so anal about their rules already...

Perhaps instead, come up with a new racing league that IS open to electric cars, that will outperform NASCAR on a speed-per-pound basis, and that would use technology that is accessible to 'average' Joes and Janes. (That's how NASCAR got started, with the 'stock-car' circuits, even though it is practically unrecognizable as such today)

Castigat Ridendo Mores
(laughter succeeds where lecturing fails)

"Those who will risk nothing, risk everything"