Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
On what do you base that Kap? My partner has had one since 1999 and it has had no significant problems and never broken down.

Personal experience. About 3 and a half years ago I bought a new car and I was looking at a few options one of them being Saturn. When I got to the dealership and got into the car I felt like I was in a car build in 1970. The dashboard looked very cheap and the seats even worse. I drove the car and I thought the engine was going to fall out when I revved it up to 6000 rpms. The sales person told me not to accelerate that much again.

Granted, this was a showroom model thus was used and abused a lot, but the trunk and the gas tank releas levers were broken and the passanger seat could no longer be adjusted. If you can't even maintain the showroom cars, how are you going to maintain the car to the daily abuse I put it though grin

Now I got myself a VW GTI (manual) and I've been very happy with the quality as well as the performance of the car.

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. ~Chinese Proverb

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. ~Jon Hammond