
'Horrendous' US job losses

Nigel Gault, chief US economist at Global Insight, described the unemployment numbers as "horrendous".

"This is an economy that is in absolute free fall right now," Mr Gault said: "Confidence has collapsed."

More than 1.5 million Americans have been made redundant in the past six months.

Following the steeper-than-expected decline and a $1.43 fall in the price of oil to $42.24 a barrel, the Dow Jones industrial average lost 224 points or 2.6 per cent, to 8,153.... [yo-yoing, unstable Dow-Jones Index]

The US car industry is also expected to lay off thousands of workers, taking the unemployment rate to an estimated 8 per cent by the end of the year....

Ian Shepherdson, chief US economist at High Frequency Economics, said: "This is almost indescribably terrible. In the past six montsh, the US has lost 1.55 million jobs, almost as many as were lost in the whole 2001 recession, which included 9/11 and the two months after. The pace of job losses is accelerating alarmingly."