. . . Of course, once again, this comes back to a misreading of the SFPT - by asserting that the United States was the principal occupying power. As I have noted before, that occupation ended with the entry into the peace treaty, if not before.
Please provide the relevant references or documentation for this statement. I cannot follow your logic.
It takes a gross misreading of international law to assert that the occupation - by the United States - existed after that point in time - either de facto or de jure. But, again, we are circling back to the previous thread . . . .
Please provide the relevant references or documentation for this statement. I cannot follow your logic.
The United States experience in California, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, Cuba, etc. all attest to the fact that the military occupation does not end with the coming into force of the peace treaty. It takes a gross misreading of international law to assert otherwise, but if you have the data to prove such an assertion, please provide it.