Originally Posted by RomeoTango
Anywhere in the world, I don't know of a single war for independence or civil conflict in the last 250 years that wasn't funded largely by someone looking to profit from the new conditions. Do you?

The Irish war of independence was fought to make Ireland worse off.

Sinn fein and the IRA fought a war break the union between herself and England. taking Ireland out of the wider economy and larger market.

Withdrawing Irish claims on English financial assistance, which from the 1880s on was quite substantial - despite the previous treatment of Ireland.

The Irish fought to have less tax monies to administer by their government than would be available under the British.

indeed for centuries many Irish had made their fortune through the wider British empire, according to Prof Niall Ferguson, the irish and the scots played a disproportionately large part in building the empire.

And the Irish fought to rid themselves of these financial advantages.

It was nationalist, parochial bullshite, but that war of idependence wasnt fought for profit. There was no profit to be had, no huge natural resources to squabble over. no diamond mines, no gold, no oil, few large companies or industrial concerns.

Altough lip service was paid to socialist ideals and motives, they didnt last even until the ceasefire with England.

Perhaps you should widen your reading choices.

Pecunia in toilet

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(Philip K.Dick)