I like author and food advocate Michael Pollin's suggestion: shop the outer ring of your market. In other words, keep to the fresh produce, meats and baked goods and stay away from processed foods. I would estimate that 80 percent of our diet at home is fresh, 20 percent is processed. Ideally we would be 100 percent but find it incredibly difficult in times when things get way too busy. That said, we try hard to limit the processed foods. Also, adding to Greger's post above, and linking back to something I said in another post, over use of chemicals are not only causing soil nutrient depletion, but a depletion of the nutrients in our fresh produced. Tomatos that taste like cardboard etc., and so forth are anecdotal evidence of this.

sure, you can talk to god, but if you don't listen then what's the use? so, onward through the fog!