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Most Online294 Dec 6th, 2017
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by pdx rick |
pdx rick |
Recently, Nicole Wallace, former campaign aid for George W. Bush, and current MSNBC host, had Chris Christie on her show. A lot of the conversation centered around realty and truth. Christie did not really put much distance between himself and Donald Trump on the Big Lie or the Deadly Insurrection, In pushing Christi on the denial of reality, Wallace said, "I think the real ominous thing is that critical race theory, which isn't real, turned the suburbs 15 points to the Trump insurrection-endorsed Republican. What do Democrats do about that?" For the record, Kindergartners aren't being taught CRT. It's a theory that's taught in law schools. The right-wing has turned CRT into a kind of boogeyman for anything they find offense about people of color. CRT was cited as the reason that one Black Texas principal was put on leave after posting a photo of him with his white wife. He was told to delete the photo and ultimately was shoved out of his job. A Pennsylvania school banned children's books teaching about Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Now Virginia conservatives are suggesting a book burning for those stories that involve people of color that they find offensive. All cite CRT as the reason. It's a problem when half of the country deny reality and facts.
by rporter314 |
rporter314 |
This sounds a little like "P"'s polling theory, that since 30% of left and right think the other side is destroying America, it proves neither side is destroying America and it is all about misguided or delusional thinking about the other side. Well I challenge that. So ... can you provide a short list of left wing groups of the same type of thinking described by logT about right wing groups?
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by NW Ponderer |
NW Ponderer |
Maybe all it means is they’re not living in the real world Let's start with that. neither side is destroying America this requires some thinking and analysis. You apparently believe the party which conducted an insurrection is not a Democracy destroying process. That I find remarkable. The very statement rebuts your belief neither side is trying to destroy America. The very act of insurrection is a deconstruction of the government. Wait a sec ... it just occurred to me ... you may be saying dissolution of the federal government is not the same as destroying America. hmmm .... I see your point. The Constitution is just toilet wipe, and should be disposed as soon as Trumpites have finished trampling all over it. But that is not destruction of America. Should I mention the opener??? On another site that shall remain nameless, I started a thread: Neo-fascism, Trumpism, and the Republican Party. The point is, there is a fundamental difference between the major parties, at present, and one DOES represent a serious threat to the nation. I'll import a bit of that discussion, because there are references there that are relevant here. "First, a definition: "Neo-fascism" is a generalized movement that includes 'https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultranationalism', 'https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_supremacy', populism, authoritarianism, nativism, xenophobia and anti-immigration sentiment as well as opposition to liberal democracy, parliamentarianism, liberalism, Marxism, communism and socialism. There are formal neo-fascist parties, such as the MSI in Italy, National Front in the UK, and the Union Movement for pan-European fascism. More recently, however, it has been seen as a subset, or descriptor for extreme far-right nationalistic parties that pursue the policies described above. I have supported both Republican and Democratic candidates in the past, and had been fairly conservative in my politics for decades. But I have watched the Republican party, as a whole, drift ever rightward during my lifetime, especially following the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, so that's my focus here. The election of Donald Trump and the advent of Trumpism since 2016 has engendered a marked acceleration of adoption of what I believe are neofascist policies. Some already existed within the GOP, but were deemed "fringe", previously: Anti-immigration policies, anti-social policies, and white nationalism (although coded and disguised - like Nixon's "southern strategy", Reagan's "welfare queen" and Bush's "Willie Horton" ad). But Trump brought in, wholesale, elements of strongman politics, authoritarian instincts (and purveyors), populism, undisguised racism and xenophobia, and anti-democratic policies (Dick Cheney's and Bill Barr's versions of "unitary executive action"). The Republican party has now broadly adopted them. Which leads to the legitimate question, is the Republican party now functionally, or officially, a neo-fascist party? Given the definitional elements described above, why, or why not?"
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by rporter314 |
rporter314 |
Maybe all it means is they’re not living in the real world Let's start with that. neither side is destroying America this requires some thinking and analysis. You apparently believe the party which conducted an insurrection is not a Democracy destroying process. That I find remarkable. The very statement rebuts your belief neither side is trying to destroy America. The very act of insurrection is a deconstruction of the government. Wait a sec ... it just occurred to me ... you may be saying dissolution of the federal government is not the same as destroying America. hmmm .... I see your point. The Constitution is just toilet wipe, and should be disposed as soon as Trumpites have finished trampling all over it. But that is not destruction of America. Should I mention the opener???
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by rporter314 |
rporter314 |
If I have to rely on someone to tell me what to believe .... well .... I must have dementia. WTF is BB? How bout those recent revelations of the Steele dossier? Let's see 1. one atty lied about documents to a judge ... I think that is a crime. There was no impact on SD. 2. one atty who provided info to FBI was indicted for lying about his status. There was no impact on SD. 3. one Russian indicted for lying to FBI regarding intel provided to Steele. Durham's indictment reads like it came from Trump lawyers. I'll have to wait to see the evidence. My guess is, it will be murky. But regardless, the SD was raw intel, just like any received in a war zone. Some is good and some is not so good. I don't pass judgement on the quality of intel, only that there is intel. And in spite of this, the SD still had no impact on opening an investigation into the possibility the Trump campaign was involved with Russians. I think AG Barr was protecting himself. He saw the evidence. The investigation was legitimately predicated and conducted without bias. What was he going to report? O there was nothing to report. I only have one opinion about the SD. There is an item which anti-SD people say proves it is all lies, is Cohen was in Prague. Cohen says he wasn't. Steele believes he was. What does the dossier say? It says the Russians BELIEVED the phone used in Prague belonged to Cohen. {Speculation: if the sourcing was good, could it be the Russians were told by the campaign that number was from high ranking member of Trump's inner circle, maybe Cohen's. Is that possible? Who knows. I find the item interesting since no one has mentioned this speculation as a possible explanation ... if it is accurate.}
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by Greger |
Greger |
Surprisingly, I talk to people of differing opinions all the time and I have no problem addressing them with honesty and respect. I don't turn honesty and respect on and off depending on someone else's political party, or skin color, or nationality, or sexual orientation.
That's how we're supposed to act here according to our guidelines and longstanding tradition.
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by logtroll |
logtroll |
I'm wondering if anyone else noticed that this thread went off-topic by the 6th post? (And three of the six were about getting a viable link to the Bonhoeffer's Theory video.)
I don't think I saw any post taking issue with the theory, yet here we are 9 pages into a disturbing 'discussion' that isn't really discussing anything.
This reality may be the tip of an icebergian problem. My suggestion is to go back and take a look at the validity of Bonhoeffer's Theory and how it might apply to the current political dynamic - and to try out some ideas on how to fix the problem (if there is agreement that one exists).
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by TatumAH |
TatumAH |
quote=Greger] There needs to be a way to put some teeth into law quote=Greger][You mean there needs to be a way to lock up our political enemies even though the law doesn't say they should be locked up...it's a slippery slope/quote] It's way beyond a slippery slope when a "president" pardons anyone who obstructs a thoroughly whored justice dept to cover up the most clear sedition attempt in Amerkin history. No penalty, no foul, is the message you would like to send? Some socialist TAT
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by pdx rick |
pdx rick |
I don't think that Republican politicos are stupid at all. I find them to be cunning, conniving sociopaths. THEIR base, I find stupid because they go along with their cunning, conniving socioptah politico's lies and gaslighting.  When someone looks your right in the eyes, tells you that it's rainng while pissing on your leg, THAT is a cunning, conniving sociopath. Republican poliitcos use gaslighting and double-speak off-of-the-time.
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