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Greger, Jeffery J. Haas, logtroll, NW Ponderer, olyve, pdx rick
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#339699 12/21/2021 2:37 AM
by pdx rick
pdx rick
Welcome To The Round Table
Winter 2021

[Linked Image from ]

May the longest night and the shortest day, bring rest to your mind and soul.
- Ancient Celtic Prayer
Liked Replies
#339763 Dec 23rd a 09:44 PM
by Jeffery J. Haas
Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Ken Condon
Yip. In the meantime… Officer… I have no idea how they got there. Can you recommend a medication to alleviate the syndrome?

Balls Aweigh

Why were cops inspecting a man's peen during a traffic stop anyway? Was the cop some size-queen or something? Hmm

"Okay that's your penis" ROTFMOL

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#339794 Dec 25th a 04:33 PM
by pdx rick
pdx rick
Historical Fact:

From 1659 to 1681, The Puritans outawed the celebration of Christmas. Why? Because they hated the fact that Christmas had its roots in Paganism. (Lighting candles, carolers, mistletoe, tree, gift exchange, merriment)

Therefore, the original "War on Christmas" was actually perpetrated by Christians.

Tell your Fox News watching relatives this historical fact the next time they broach the "War on Christmas" topic.

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#339771 Dec 24th a 04:36 AM
by Ken Condon
Ken Condon
So I going reflek….

I think about these Trumpsters who are virtually all white and they were never raised as a minority nor around other ethnic groups. Growing up on Oahu it was about 18% haoles and on the “outer islands” was probably 8% haole. So they are terrified because they don’t realize that eventually it really doesn’t matter.

Although they never faced one “local guy” who was missing half his teeth and said “what chu lookin at haole? Nothing, nothing.,,Brah..,
acting wise? No I was just trying to go on my way. No waz lookin’ fo pain brah?

So yes.. I also learned how to fight. But mostly I could escape tough situations through diplomacy.

So also yes…I look at these phuggin haoles and or Trumpsters. I’m thinking they need a couple of Samoans or Tongans (throw in a few Hawaiian’s for good measure) to bang their heads into coconut trees and knock some sense into them.
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#339772 Dec 24th a 05:15 AM
by Ken Condon
Ken Condon
Keh Den:

I am not sure if this will translate for all of you haoles out there, and also it was done in the 1980s so perhaps somewhat dated. But “Rap” Ripplinger was hilarious…along the lines of John Beluchi:

Room Service
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#339906 Jan 2nd a 09:30 PM
by logtroll
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#339968 Jan 11th a 08:40 AM
by pondering_it_all
Robert Durst died. Heart attack following some time on a ventilator last month. Sometimes Covid takes the right people.
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#340106 Jan 20th a 01:54 PM
by logtroll
Trump, upon hearing the SCOTUS ruling, reportedly shouted, "I'll see you jerks in court!!"
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#340177 Jan 25th a 04:43 AM
by Jeffery J. Haas
Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Of course, Conservatives are all up in arms over this. LOL , smile

My favorite used to be when Doocy asked:
"Mister President, what did you and Putin talk about?"

"You...he sends his best."

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#340187 Jan 26th a 12:38 AM
by Mellowicious
I was at my brother’s today and the Fox business channel was on (all those numbers in the crawl are relevant to him somehow).

Headlines were all anti-Biden except for one, and that one I didn’t understand: it said that wealthy people are moving to low-tax states.

But hasn’t that been going on forever? Buy a place in a low-tax state, do the minimum required to qualify as a state residence, and then go back home to the Hampton or Carmel or, I dunno, Paris?

It just doesn’t seem like a new idea to me…

(PS: Rick, before you go off on conservatives, please understand that is my brother, much loved, and a good man, and if you label him with your anti-conservative rant I’ll hypothetically break your knuckles.)
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#340253 Jan 31st a 03:35 PM
by Mellowicious
Not wanting to beat a dead horse here but there are a couple of points I want to make on this home-school thing.

First I should say that I’m as dubious about home-schooling as anyone else. I believe it can be done well but it takes educated parents with an immense amount of drive. I know that the homeschooling movement grew out of the evangelical Christian community. I have no idea what the success rate is, or what defines success.

We - that is, I and, I’m fairly sure, a lot of others, have said for a long time that if you don’t like your public school(s) you can work to change them, or you can go elsewhere - to private schools or homeschooling. These people are doing exactly that. They appear to be more organized and more active than we might like.

I don’t like what’s happening, I don’t like it at all. But I also don’t like the stereotyping. Some of the people in this group of would-be bookburners may be homeschoolers, but I’d bet as many or more have students enrolled in public schools. They bother me far more than those who have removed themselves from the system.
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#340324 Feb 6th a 11:40 PM
by pondering_it_all
I am grandfathered in to some extent, but I chose to run a credit rather than get a check at the end of the year. We keep trying to burn up all our propane so we can have the tank removed, since all we use propane for now is cooking. When that happens, I have some induction burners ready to use. They are much more sophisticated than gas burners, like so much control you could practically do sous vide on them. Or leave a teflon pan on one of them all day without burning it up. They also heat a saucepan faster than a big gas burner, which is hard to believe but I saw a video on YouTube! I also have an electric convection oven that can cook two 15" pizzas, or anything we need to cook.

So when we finally run out of propane, our electricity use will rise a bit. It might not though: I'm getting a new flash electric water heater tomorrow that lets you set a maximum temperature so it can act as a booster. During the winter, our cold water comes out of the ground cold enough this wattage water heater can only raise about 1 gallon per minute to comfortable shower temperature. But I'm going to build a very simple solar water heater to keep a 250 galloon IBC of water at about 90 degrees. This will have no direct contact with our domestic water. The IBC stores heat, not water. The domestic water will flow through a bunch of PEX tubing inside the IBC to preheat the water heater input. That should lower the water-heating power use quite a lot.
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#340425 Feb 12th a 05:19 PM
by pdx rick
pdx rick
I got a new cube partner at work on Friday, and he was talking politics. So I showed him RR. He saw one of my posts and commented that I only have 51 likes on 44,967 posts. I told him we only stated doing likes in the past few months. rolleyes
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#340447 Feb 13th a 10:38 PM
by pdx rick
pdx rick
Remember when Republicans worshipped patron Saint Reagan and all things which he stood for: Trickle-down, conservatism, Christianity, and thou shalt not verbally smite another Republican?

In today's MAGA/QAnon GOP, Reagan is a RINO, conservatism means to conserve the political powers of white Americans, the Bible put white people in charge, and calling-out Republicans who do not adhere to the new GOP playbook can, and shall be, verbally smitten.

'Real Christian' Majorie Taylor Greene doesn't believe in Reagan's Commandment.

It's total popcorn time watching the Republicans destroy each other. laugh

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#340500 Feb 19th a 01:07 AM
by Mellowicious
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Game. Set. Match. smile
I won’t count on anything until it happens. This is where politics is most corrupt, I think.
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#340659 Feb 27th a 06:09 AM
by Doug Thompson
Doug Thompson
RR is 13 GB in size, which freaked out the folks at PHPBB. It would not fit on the site they thought it would and also didn't want to try to convert it. UBB is willing to upgrade for a reasonable price so we can go that way as part of updating it on the current server before moving it next month. The database is 694 MB in size, which makes it difficult to download and move as well. It will have to be done in steps.

It's huge.

But I think we can save it.

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#341093 Mar 11th a 04:43 PM
by Greger
He's busy trying to save the planet.
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#341168 Mar 15th a 02:10 AM
by pdx rick
pdx rick
[Linked Image from uploads.disquscdn.com]
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#341230 Mar 18th a 04:30 PM
by NW Ponderer
NW Ponderer
I was pleased to see the posts by Schwarzenegger. He has a tremendous following in Russia (including Putin himself... or did) “I am speaking to you today because there are things that are going on in the world that are being kept from you, terrible things that you should know about,” Mr. Schwarzenegger said, citing Russian propaganda. “You started this war. You are leading this war. You can stop this war.” That's gonna sting. “Ukraine did not start this war,” he said. “Neither did nationalists or Nazis. Those in power in the Kremlin started this war. This is not the Russian people’s war.” Yeah, truth hurts.
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#341295 Mar 21st a 09:32 AM
by pondering_it_all
Funny thing: Putin is saying he went into Ukraine to fight Nazis, but we have a LOT more Nazis in the US than Ukraine. And almost all of them are big Trump supporters. I suppose that would be confusing for Trump if he ever had any rational moments.
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#341347 Mar 24th a 05:28 PM
by Greger
I've been meaning to get to that Spring Roundtable...
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#341305 Mar 22nd a 12:54 AM
by logtroll
Welcome to heaven, pardner!
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#341355 Mar 25th a 02:11 AM
by pdx rick
pdx rick
We can start fresh RT on the new server.

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#341552 Apr 10th a 11:32 PM
by Doug Thompson
Doug Thompson
I was born in Tampa and spent my early childhood years in Gibsonton, known as "Gib-town" to the locals. Back then, it was the winter home of the carnival workers. A bearded lady was one of our neighbors, and the post office had a section of the counter lowered for midgets. The fire chief appeared in carnivals as "the Giant" and owned the Giant Fishing Camp.

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