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Most Online294 Dec 6th, 2017
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by Doug Thompson |
Doug Thompson |
It’s time to reclaim America from the criminals, frauds, and traitors who tried to bring it downAmerica is supposed to belong to its people, not the grifters, con artists, and traitors who are still trying to destroy it.By DOUG THOMPSON September 12, 2022
![[Linked Image from capitolhillblue.com]](https://capitolhillblue.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/091222enemies-trump.jpg) There was a time when people joked about the absurd idea that Donald John Trump could become president of the United States and too many of us ignored the ability of the con man to succeed in his desire to seize power and destroy the honor and concept of America. Nobody is laughing now as the now disgraced, corrupt, and criminally treasonous former president is once again dominating the airwaves in the midst of multiple investigations of his treachery, fraud, and sedition. The Justice Department is closing in on his open violations of America’s Espionage Act, his blatant obstruction of justice, and his endless defrauding of his lame cult of followers who have turned over their life savings to him in blatant grifts like Trump University and, most recently, take political action committee that has raised hundreds of millions of dollars that is being used solely fund his lavish lifestyle. Trump is the most dangerous domestic terrorist in the history of this nation, a power-mad, greedy bully who cares only for his own personal desires for wealth and power. He is under investigation not only by the Justice Department but by multiple grand juries in cities and states throughout the nation. He survived two impeachments where his guilt was proven but was protected by a cabal of co-conspiracy terrorists who now control the corrupt and criminal Republican party. Not only should Trump be convicted and locked away for the remainder of his pathetic, sordid life but he should be joined by the equally-corrupt cult of House and Senate GOP leaders, elected officials, and miscreants who ignore the laws, the Constitution, and the oaths they swore to uphold. The list of traitors to America is growing: Former disgraced and corrupt House Speaker Newt Gingrich, current House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senator Lindsey Graham, former federal prosecutor, and New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Trump strategist Steve Bannon and too many more to name or list here. Some are already facing justice. More than 800 members of the mob that attacked the Capitol, a mob inspired by Trump, have either been tried or are facing trial, convictions, and sentences for their part. Bannon surrendered to New York authorities last week on charges of money laundering and fraud. Giuliani is certain to be charged for his efforts to overturn legal election results in Georgia and others will follow. Trump promises to pardon each and everyone who is convicted on federal charges if he can find a way to get elected to return to the White House in 2024, a threat that demands quick and decisive action against him for his many crimes. But many other frauds and criminals are embedded in elected offices at both the state and federal levels. Trump and his cult of Republican extremists in the Senate have installed a cadre of hardcore, right-wing federal judges along with a solid majority in the U.S. Supreme Court. Many, we have learned, lied to get there and far too many are unqualified to be arbiters of any reasonable form of law. America remains under attack, not from the foreign terrorists who brought down the twin towers in Manhattan or blew a hole in the Pentagon with hijacked commercial airliners 21 years ago on 9/11 but now from the domestic ones who use hate, lies, racism, and bigotry to threaten what this nation once was and must struggle to become again. Trump lost his hold on the White House in 2020 by a majority of nearly 10 million voters who said they had seen too much of his crimes and frauds but they, and others, must go to the polls in November of this year to reject the threats and terrorism of Trumpism and the dangerous extremism of the Republican zealots who want to overthrow our democratic republic and become a fascist state. It’s up to us who can and must use our rights to vote to reject the treason of Trump and his cult and drive them from the halls of state and federal positions and return America to the people, the ones who matter now more than ever. ___________________________________ Copyright © 2022 Capitol Hill Blue
by pondering_it_all |
pondering_it_all |
Interesting idea: §2383. Rebellion or insurrection Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. If Trump is convicted of crimes that were part of the insurrection (not just January 6th), then Judge Cannon could be charged with "giving aid or comfort", and indicted under federal statute 2383. There seems to be overwhelming opinion in the legal community, and her rulings themselves have also stated, that she is giving Donald Trump unprecedented aid. For example, his lawyers have never said in any of their filings that he declassified any documents, (out of fear of perjury, no doubt). Yet Judge Cannon herself brought up this idea in a ruling, based on no evidence or defendant claims. If that isn't "aid or comfort", I don't know what is.
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by pdx rick |
pdx rick |
One of the chief criminals in the Trump Administration is the former Attorney General William Barr. In Geoffrey Berman's new book, Holding the Line: Inside the Nat...le with the Trump Justice Department, the book details how Bill Barr corrupted the Department of Justice on behalf of Donald Trump. Barr’s coverups for Trump range from criminal activity to treason, Berman writes. Geoffrey Steven Berman is an American attorney who served as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2018 to 2020. "Throughout my tenure as US attorney, Trump's Justice Department kept demanding that I use my office to aid them politically, and I kept declining - in ways just tactful enough to keep me from being fired. I walked this tightrope for two and a half years. Eventually, the rope snapped." - Geoffrey Berman On June 19, 2020, Attorney General William Barr announced in a press release that Berman was "stepping down" effective July 3 and that Jay Clayton, the chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, would be nominated as his replacement.[ Hours later, Berman stated that he had not resigned and would not resign until "a presidentially appointed nominee is confirmed by the Senate." Barr's tenure as Trump's Attorney General of the United States is not Barr's first corruption rodeo. During in the late '80s and early '90s and again during the late 2010's, Barr served as the 77th and 85th United States attorney general in the administrations of Presidents George H. W. Bush and Donald J. Trump, respectively. During the 2016 presidential campaign, it was alleged that Donald J. Trump's campaign sought and took assistance from Russia to help him win the 2016 election. Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate these allegations. Mueller found 10 prosecutable incidents of Donald Trump committing felony obstruction of justice, all to cover up the assistance he was seeking and receiving from Russian oligarchs and the Russian government that ultimately helped him win the 2016 election. As USAG for the Trump Administration, Bill Barr "summarized" the findings of the Mueller Report for the American public's digestion. In doing so, Barr lied to the American people, to Congress, and to federal judges, with lies inconsistent with evidence of record in the Mueller Report. Barr did this to avoid prosecuting Trump, who we can now see had clearly committed crimes, particularly reaching out to a foreign power for help, that would’ve landed any other American in prison for decades. The corruption of law enforcement and the courts is a cardinal characteristic of fascism, which is what Trump and - it turns out, Barr - were actively trying to do to America. Back in the late ’80s and early ’90s, Barr buried evidence of then-President George H.W. Bush’s involvement in Irangate and Iran-Contra. G. H. W. Bush's administration was accused of selling weapons of mass destruction to Saddam Hussein, also at that time, AG Barr was already covering up for Bush, Weinberger, and others from the Reagan administration Iran-Contra - where the Reagan administration was accused of reaching out to the Iran government during the 1980s election to release Americans held captive by Iran. Bill Barr suggested to G. H. W. Bush that Bush pardon all of the players in the Iraqgate and Iran-Contra and that's exactly what Bush did after losing the election to Bill Clinton in November 1992. History shows that when a Republican president is in serious legal trouble, Bill Barr is their go-to guy.
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by pondering_it_all |
pondering_it_all |
A lot of Republicans are saying that only elections should determine who holds an office, even if the candidate has been convicted, etc. But our country is NOT a popular democracy! It was setup as a Constitutional Republic exactly for this reason. A candidate who swore to support the Constitution of the US, and then took part in an insurrection runs right into the 14th Amendment, Section 3, which disqualifies such a person from holding any elective office. The language is perfectly clear, short, and sweet. If people want their popular insurrectionist candidates, they have to amend the Constitution first. Our founding fathers purposefully made that process difficult, which predisposes US law to have an underlying conservative bias.
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by Jeffery J. Haas |
Jeffery J. Haas |
But our country is NOT a popular democracy! It was setup as a Constitutional Republic exactly for this reason. Exactly, no nation has tried direct pure democracy in 2500 years, and MAGA ran on "America is not a democracy" for a decade and now suddenly Athenian democracy is their new iPhone, their new toy. Nope, we are a constitutional representative democratic republic. And the Constitution says that insurrectionists can't run for President, EVER.
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by Jeffery J. Haas |
Jeffery J. Haas |
As for Trump, he’s a has been who doesn’t know it yet, nor does his followers. Apparently a quite a lot of Democrats don't realize that either. Trump will never win another election. You could say the same thing about the Strasser Brothers in Germany. Doesn't change the fact that the NSDAP took over the country anyway. Trumpers have decided to move on without Trump if need be. Even the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are ready to throw him under the bus, just so long as they wind up being the ones who drive the bus later. Your happy happy joy joy dance over Trump is incredibly premature, because Trumpism, properly known as fascism, now exists with or without Trump.
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by Jeffery J. Haas |
Jeffery J. Haas |
I'm weary of being reminded, almost as if I'm some petulant eight year-old decrying a lost lollipop, that "Trump isn't a threat anymore" and "he will never win another election"...as if Donald Trump and Donald Trump only, is MY PROBLEM. It's like when you visit another forum and some yahoo yells "You've got TDS!" and "Trump lives rent free in your head, LIBTARD!"Trump? Saying he's a has-been won't make the problem go away, and as the NYT article cites: TWENTY-EIGHT PERCENT OF ALL voters are now nursing doubts about the accuracy of elections.And as Pero religiously avoids: Almost HALF of all Republicans are election deniers.Meanwhile, you can forget all about Donald Trump if you wish but you can't ignore the fact that Marjorie Taylor-Greene, even stripped of all committee assignments, is rapidly becoming the most powerful figure in today's Trumplican Party. Imagine, Trump with "sporkfoot syndrome" and a chip on her shoulder big enough to allow her to threaten both Kevin McCarthy AND Devin Nunes' Cow that he better give her a lot of power and leeway OR ELSE risk alienating the base. Trump going away does not make the problem go away. It might have two years ago, but not anymore, not after January 6th, not after both her and Lauren Boebert successfully avoiding prosecution as co-conspirators, not even being nicked for broadcasting the location of Pelosi and Pence in real time during the insurrection. That's the kind of thing William L. Schirer, if he were still alive, would write about in a historic book about the rise of...oh wait, what am I saying???? Never mind! Nothing to see here, move along, it's just Jeffy having a fit over nothing.  ![[Linked Image from media.tenor.com]](https://media.tenor.com/N910WJzMADQAAAAC/nevermind-ignore-it.gif) And don't pay any mind to the Spork-foot monster over there, she's harmless!
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