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Jeffery J. Haas, NW Ponderer, pdx rick, rporter314
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Original Post (Thread Starter)
by Doug Thompson
Doug Thompson
Yes, Joe Biden is too old and too slow to serve another term as President

Biden is the oldest American president to serve and the limitations of his age are showing. Time to pack it in and let the kids take over, Joe.

February 6, 2023

[Linked Image from capitolhillblue.com]
The lines of aging on the oldest president in American history.

President Joe Biden, we are told, plans to tout what he claims are his many achievements as president and compares what he has done for the nation to what his predecessor, Donald Trump. did to the nation he victimized.

While there is little doubt that Biden has done far more good for America in two years in comparison to the national debacle of corruption, crime and torture the nation suffered in the four years of Trump, there is still a lot more Biden could, and should, have done to save America.

Those finding rising prices at gas pumps probably don’t feel good about the State of the Union that Biden will claim exists in his address to the nation on Tuesday. Even the Democrats have worries when a new poll of shows the party of the donkey wants somebody, anybody, else to run for president in 2024.

Another poll, from ABC News/Washington Post, shows more the 60% of those surveyed feel Biden “has not accomplished much, despite the passage of numerous bills.”

Reports the Post:

The poll finds that 62 percent of Americans think Biden has accomplished “not very much” or “little ornothing” during his presidency, while 36 percent say he has accomplished “a great deal” or “a good amount.” On many of Biden’s signature initiatives — from improving the country’s infrastructure to making electric vehicles more affordable to creating jobs — majorities of Americans say they do not believe he has made progress, the poll finds.

As reported here on Capitol Hill Blue, another new poll — conducted by the Associated Press/NORC research center of the Unversity of Chicago — finds widespread unhappiness with Biden among his own party:

A majority of Democrats now think one term is plenty for President Joe Biden, despite his insistence that he plans to seek reelection in 2024.

That’s according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that shows just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term, down from 52% in the weeks before last year’s midterm elections.

While Biden has trumpeted his legislative victories and ability to govern, the poll suggests relatively few U.S. adults give him high marks on either. Follow-up interviews with poll respondents suggest that many believe the 80-year-old’s age is a liability, with people focused on his coughing, his gait, his gaffes and the possibility that the world’s most stressful job would be better suited for someone younger.

“I, honestly, think that he would be too old,” said Sarah Overman, 37, a Democrat who works in education in Raleigh, North Carolina. “We could use someone younger in the office.”
Yes, Biden is old, even older than Donald Trump, but age is not as much of a problem as his unwillingness to take bold leadership steps. He spends more time than needed to calculate what he needs to do, immediately, and those delays provide fodder for his critics.

Notes the AP/NORC poll:

Overall, 41% approve of how Biden is handling his job as president, the poll shows, similar to ratings at the end of last year. A majority of Democrats still approve of the job Biden is doing as president, yet their appetite for a reelection campaign has slipped despite his electoral track record. Only 22% of U.S. adults overall say he should run again, down from 29% who said so before last year’s midterm elections.

The decline among Democrats saying Biden should run again for president appears concentrated among younger people. Among Democrats age 45 and over, 49% say Biden should run for reelection, nearly as many as the 58% who said that in October. But among those under age 45, 23% now say he should run for reelection after 45% said that before the midterms.
Some feel Biden has beaten Trump before, in 2000, and maybe the best one to do so again.

I disagree. The legal raptors are closing in on Trump for his many crimes, cons, and fraud with indictments coming and the only real record he will have to run on is a criminal one.

Sadly, with or without Trump, the threats from his dominance of the GOP have left America in greater peril from the fraud and criminal actions of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and the 2020 election denial cult who remain in Congress. Add to the threat is hardcore right-wing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is leading early polls for Republicans who may run for president.

America can and should, survive but the nation must have energetic, bold leadership from the Democrats and Biden, unfortunately, is not what the nation needs.

Copyright © 2023 Capitol Hill Blue
Liked Replies
by Doug Thompson
Doug Thompson
Gerald Ford was about the only ex-president I know who was pretty much private in his final years. Part of that, I think, came from doubts that continued over his decision to pardon Nixon).

Jimmy Carter's after-president years were more productive and popular than his single term. His passing will be sad. I had been hyper-critical of his presidency in print but praised his work on Habit for Humanity and his other human rights activities.

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by perotista
Ex-presidents are usually very quiet. One never heard from Reagan, but he had Alzheimer’s. Both Bush’s have also remained quiet. You don’t see either Bill Clinton or Obama jumping in front of the cameras either. Nixon wrote a lot of books. Then under the radar, a lot of president talked to him and asked his advice concerning foreign policy.

Jimmy Carter, I think got a bum rap because of the misery index. I don’t think he was as bad as a lot of folks make him out to be. He is the best ex-president I ever seen in my lifetime. Then there’s Trump who just can’t let go. Following Nixon and Ford, Jimmy may have been way too honest. He is the only president to have admitted to having seen a UFO.


Yes, it will be a sad day when Jimmy passes.
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by Jeffery J. Haas
Jeffery J. Haas
Fine, convince Gavin Newsom to run, he'll get my vote, or find someone with a similar record and capability.
And no, sorry....NOT Bernie, even though I did vote for him twice in the recent primaries. He too, is too advanced in age and too set in his ways to adapt to new challenges. But I would appreciate it if he would continue in his current position in the Senate.
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by rporter314
I find it strange most democrats hasn't realized that yet.
I think you don't understand what is going on with Democrats.

In the 2022 election cycle Trump was fore front as the albatross hung around every Republicans neck who was endorsed by or supported Trump. You, as a poll watcher, recognized the significance of that in the results, meaning Democrats did recognize attaching Trump to candidates was an asset.

On the other hand, most Democrats are not so politically cynical as to allow someone who led an insurrection against the government to be a poster boy for the next insurrection. If the evidence is overwhelming, he will be indicted and hopefully convicted of any crimes he has committed.

These two concepts are not mutually exclusive.
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by Jeffery J. Haas
Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Agree that Biden is too old. He should go out on top - he signed over eight legislations into law.

I think that for 62 percent of Americans, nothing is ever good enough, and they have short memories.
But yes, Biden is too old now, and he needs to be reassured that he DID DO what he came to do first and foremost, and much more.
And now it is time to hand the torch over, confident that his one term was and still is a significant victory in and of itself.
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by Jeffery J. Haas
Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
The truth is, there is no private life for an ex-prez.
There is at least some private life - enough to be able to scuttle classified docs back and forth between the pool house and the private residence.

And that's pretty much all of it.
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by jgw
If Biden runs again there is a very good chance that it will kill him. I know something about being aged. Being president seems to whiten the hair and grind down the subject. That being said this will also mean that the Democrats will have the first female president. Since I cannot vote Republcan, and will vote Democratic, I suspect it won't be all that bad of a deal.

Should mention that my problem is voting for a Republican because it means 4 more years of utter lies by utter loones.
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by pdx rick
pdx rick
Originally Posted by perotista
...These days there isn’t much different party affiliation wise between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party...
I'm certain that Democrats are not fomenting insurrections, MSNBC and its hosts are not lying about the 2020 election, and I'm certain that Democrats are not harming democracy.

Nor are Democrats holding asinine hearings trying to placate its base.

Your mileage may vary... crazy
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