It's been another bad week(end) for Donald Trump.
First, on Saturday afternoon, Texas Republicans impeached Trump’s close ally Ken Paxton over Trump’s loud objections. Then, later on Saturday evening, House Republicans cut a Biden-friendly budget deal over Trump’s loud objections.
It's encouraging that at least the saner GOP'ers no longer care what Trump wants, and they’re no longer particularly worried about his threats of retaliation and are moving away from Trump.
Republican politicians always do whatever they think is selfishly best for themselves and their own career prospects. If they thought there were some chance that Trump would end up in power again, or even become relevant again, do you really think they’d be moving away from him like this?

The MAGAs never will. In fact, I went camping over the weekend to Mt. Baker National forest and on the way up, I saw a Trump2024 sign.

(MAGAs are incorrigible and they'll deny saner GOP'ers the R-nom in 2024. Oh well...
