On Saturday night there was a Saturday Night show which, amongst other things kinda dealt with students fighting for, and apparently, for Palestinians and, oddly, against Palestinians (not sure exactly). Anyway, part of their skit was about parents being concerned about what was going to happen to students who get arrested, do not graduate, and are thrown out of the schools that they had invested 4 years of their lives and money spent. It was funny. It was also a fact and there are, now, literally thousands of students which have been arrested, thrown out of school, and have basically destroyed their own lives.
Actually, their lives were ruined
for them. I think a number of these schools have been biased and heavy-handed. That is particularly true in some instances where Jewish agitators are not arrested/trespassed, but pro-Palestinian protesters are. It kinda mirrors what is actually going on in the Occupied Territories.
Having said that, I also recognize that in many situations some of the participants are not from the schools at all, but outside agitators. That exists on both sides.
Any discussion of Israel/Palestine virtually anywhere tends to devolve into the worst common denominator. Any criticism of Israel, no matter how well-founded, is labeled "antisemitism", any support for Palestinians tends to be described as support for Hamas, no matter how much one distinguishes the two, and any defense of Israel against HAMAS is deemed support for genocide. And, of course, Congresscritters on both sides of the aisle tend toward the support of Israel, as that is where the contributions to their campaigns come from. Hence,
Naziyahoo Netanyahu being invited to speak at a joint session of Congress despite his outstanding warrant and criminal status.
One can only wonder what is going to happen next in this disaster. Its a disaster for the students, its a disaster for the schools, and it is certainly a disaster for parents who worked hard to support the students. Then there are the debts to the country and also the interests involved which the students owe and for which most of them will not have jobs that will produce enough money to pay the debts which will expand hugely due to the interest involved. Again, apparently I am talking about THOUSANDS of idiots! I also believe that the students didn't think before they did what they did. I also suspect that most do not come from wealthy families. The schools are going to be put into serious pressure about what they did, or didn't, do. There are going to be parents who will be REALLY angry, etc. I suspect there will also be other things happening over this one as well and not now noted.
I am writing this so that others might have something to say about this one. It happened, its gonna be a real mess, and I just wonder what others have to say about this one.
I happen to agree with you that the ramifications of this situation have not yet hit home with many - students, parents and school administrations. I don't envy the administrators, either, because they have faculty advocating both sides of the issue, and Congresscritters actively excoriating them for any perceived misstep. The horrendous situation in Palestine is corrupting the politics here in the United States, as well. Particularly among the Christo-fascist set, to which the current Speaker belongs.
Forgot one thing. Apparently Netanyahu, once he leaves his job, gets to goto jail for something (shades of Trump). I have been following him for a very long time. He, and those who support him, firmly believe that the Palestinians have absolutely no rights to any land there and should go or die. This is no secret.............
This is the root of most of the problems. I will probably post some diatribe about how awful the "Partition plan" of 1947 was, and why it was bound to fail, being so abysmally constructed. In fact, I definitely will. It may be a separate thread, though, to keep this one on topic.
Ooops - one last:
Netanyahu was told about the attack that they had against them but did absolutely nothing about it. Basically, he knew what was going to happen and let it happen.
Just a thought................
Netanyahu is a war criminal of the highest order. He is a poorly-disguised crypto-fascist, unlike Trump, who is just a plain old fascist. Netanyahu deliberately propped up HAMAS to keep the factions in conflict with each other as a cynical ploy to undermine a two-state solution. He, like much of the military apparatus, is supremely arrogant and simply could not fathom that the denigrated enemy could actually pull off a sophisticated attack.
The overkill in Gaza is
entirely intentional. It is definitionally genocidal. The government of Israel is in thrall to the worst elements of Israeli society - much like MAGA represents in the United States. Until they (and we) can be honest about how corrosive that is to the country, we will not be able to extirpate them from our midsts.