More of Trump’s cadre of followers are having second thoughts
Some began having second thoughts before he was inaugurated in 2016, but his legal problems keep it increasing at a faster paceBy DOUG THOMPSON
May 1, 2024
Each week of the hush-money criminal trial of disgraced former president Donald Trump begins with headline-grabbing new information about this first of several trials the pathological narcissistic Donald J. Trump but interviews with those infatuated with him admit they are learning too much about him to even consider voting him back in for the presidency he lorst in 2000.
“I thought he was something special when I voted for him in 2016,” says a now former trump supporter who withheld her name because of fears of reprisal. “But every time he opens his mouth, he contradicts what he has said before and the evidence if mounting on his crimes. I was stupid. I admit it.”
Ross Kuehne, an independent from Candia, N.H., voted for Trump in 2016, thought about voting for Nikki Haley before she dropped out, but now says he is going for Biden this year.”
Kuehne, interview by the New York Times earlier “:rattled off a greatest hits of what he considered low points: Mr. Trump noting he had ‘great friendship’ with the North Korean dictator. A government shutdown. Mexico not paying for the border wall. Mr. Trump describing “very fine people on both sides” at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. His supporters storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Times writers Jennifer Medina and Reid J. Epstein add even more to a list of problems cited by former but now ex-supporters of Trump:
The recording of Mr. Trump saying he could grab women by the genitals. Praising Russian intelligence. Crudely disparaging African countries. Separating children from their parents at the Mexican border. Telling children Santa Claus isn’t real. Considering buying Greenland. Suggesting using nuclear weapons to stop a hurricane. Threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine if its president wouldn’t investigate the Biden family. Suggesting Covid patients inject bleach.
Others? List of comments by sone if those who supported and worked for Trump in the White House but now regret doing so, courtesy of CNN:
Vice president, Mike Pence: “The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution. … Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.”
Second attorney general, Bill Barr: “Someone who engaged in that kind of bullying about a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self-government shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.”
Former aide Cassidy Hutchinson: “I think that Donald Trump is the most grave threat we will face to our democracy in our lifetime, and potentially in American history.”
Former White House lawyer: Ty Cobb: “Trump relentlessly puts forth claims that are not true.”
Trump’s first director of Homeland Security Tom Bossert: “The President undermined American democracy baselessly for months. As a result, he’s culpable for this siege, and an utter disgrace.”
One of his many former communications directors, Anthony Scaramucci: “He is the domestic terrorist of the 21st century.”
Another former communications director, Stephanie Grisham: “I am terrified of him running in 2024.”
His second chief of staff, John Kelly: “A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.”
This is a partial list. It keeps growing daily.
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