I watch but, i guess, not as much as I should. Its kinda interesting. Our TV media is in it for themselves. There is little or none of the old, newspaper stuff wherein they, obviously, are after truth and reality of the day. This seems to be proven, over and over, recently, that several of those folks have said they will not be going for one person, or another, for president. This is, as far as I can tell, because they fear the anger of Mr Trump.
Also, more importantly, after the rise of cable and the sunset of The Fairness Doctrine, news ceased being any kind of public service because it became necessary for it to become a consumer product. And that means the consumer is always right, so news tells consumers what they want to hear whereas if it's a public service, it tells you what you NEED to hear.
We have spent forty years letting news tell us comforting stories and confirm our biases.
If the news BUSINESS of the last forty something years has taught us anything, and it has taught us precious little, it has taught us that we are always right and that they are not to be trusted.
I say that news is only to be trusted if it behaves like the close friend who is willing to tell you uncomfortable truth.
Not YOUR truth, not MY truth, not God's truth, THE TRUTH.
It's been a very long time since news did that, or was even ABLE to do that.
And it is our fault. We let the news become a consumer product. We voted for the people who were willing to make that happen....
because the news was making us uncomfortable, and Americans do not want to feel uncomfortable.
And with that, I think I am withdrawing somewhat from politics.
Nothing I said or did made any difference...not "for America", not for any of my fellow Americans, but even any difference for myself and my family.
It did no good, it only sapped my strength and well being, and made me older and sicker.
I do not have a lot of years left. I know it.
I'm going to do whatever I can to make those last years happier, because once I'm gone, none of this will matter anymore, at least to me.
My daughter doesn't need to stick her thumb in the air to know which way the wind is blowing and we will do what we can to make her more prepared.
But that's it, that's the ball game.
I'm glad both my parents are dead, father in 1986, mother in 2012.
They were spared all of this.
I'm going to spare myself and my wife and kid as much as possible even if it just means making the end more bearable.