From your numbers guy, Do you approve or disapprove of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. 45/37 approve/disapprove as of 24 Aug 2021. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the war in Afghanistan, 33/50 approve/disapprove.

Seems Americans want us out of Afghanistan, but think Biden botched the evacuation, withdrawal. FYI, the percentage of those who approve of the withdrawal from Afghanistan is down 8 point from 1 Aug 2021.

I think once completely out of Afghanistan, if no terrorist attacks occurs from the Taliban giving safe Haven and a training ground to groups like ISIS and AQ, Afghanistan will quickly fade from memory. From independents memory anyway.

I think the biggest worry for Biden and the Democrats is a terrorist attack on us or someplace in Europe that originated from Afghanistan between the completion of the withdrawal at the end of the month and the midterms next year. That could definitely lead to a red wave midterm.