Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
…they need to take a pregnancy test every month.

At $14 to $20 for 2-pack (CVS)

They work about 12 days after implantation, so once a month is enough. That would give them several weeks to get a legal abortion.

Pondering, I thought your arithmetic was better than that.

Say you take the test at the beginning of the month - June 1,.That means it will detect a pregnancy prior to May 19 Any pregnancy beginning after that won’t be detected in this month’s test, and by the time the next one rolls around, you’re pretty much at 6 weeks.

Let’s play with that timeline a little more. What happens after that test?

1)two days, probably, to be stunned by the result
2j (contrary to those who believe this is a snap judgment) 4 to 5 days to make a decision, particularly of the partner is to be consulted, or if the pregnant woman is a minor or there are other complicating circumstances.
3) Two days to find an an out-of-state clinic that can see you in time (How long does it take you to get in to see a dentist?)
4) 4 days to find the money for transportation, childcare If you have children, and for the procedure itself
5) At least st one day to get time off work at short notice.

If you’re going out of state you have more time. But all off the times I’ve listed are very optimistic times. And remember items 3, 4, and 5 have to take place outside working or class hours, so they are underestimated here as well. If you can find a way to get to the clinic, and the funds for the procedure (with minimal or no healthcare) min four days, I know some non-profits who could use those skill. Of course, if already have the money, it’s a lot easier.

Finally, understand that the younger the woman, the longer it will probably take for all of this - from understanding she’s pregnant to figuring out what to do. It requires money an serious problem-solving skills.

The procedure itself is not a major operation, but when restrictions are added things change.