It turns out, the vaccine refusers have control over Florida, anyway:
Florida Gov. DeSantis Taps A New Surgeon General Who Doesn't Support Vaccine Mandates (npr)
"This idea that people don't get to make their own decisions on issues of health related to their own personal health is wrong," Ladapo said, answering questions from reporters. "Vaccines are up to the person, there's nothing special about them compared to any other preventive measure."

Now, that's real sciency.

'Fear is done': Florida's new surgeon general outspoken critic of COVID lockdowns, mandates (Tallahassee Democrat)
"Dr. Joseph Ladapo — a UCLA medical professor who has published controversial articles about “COVID mania” and is an outspoken critic of lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates and other mitigation measures — has been named as Florida's new surgeon general, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Tuesday.

Ladapo, who was hired Monday at the University of Florida College of Medicine, said he wants to usher in a new era of battling the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida, one that sets a model for other states to follow."

Politics above medicine.

DeSantis names doctor opposed to masks and vaccine mandates as Florida’s surgeon general (Guardian)
"A medical professor who is opposed to mask and vaccine mandates, attacked concern over the pandemic as “Covid mania” and likened the eating of fruit and vegetables to the benefits of vaccination has been named as Florida’s new surgeon general."


"He has said that removing children from school is harmful to public health and is a signatory of something called the Barrington declaration, which argues that “those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal”.

Ladapo has so far not outlined any measures to help prevent Covid deaths in Florida but said he is discussing recommendations with his new team."

Sorry, Florida. It's just going to get worse.