We don’t have a music thread, or did I miss it?

These questions grew out (way out) of a discussion I wanted to have about great songs and great songwriters. Being an aspiring songwriter himself he didn’t really want to discuss it.

So I have a couple of questions I’m asking. But first - should we eliminate Leon Russell and the Dead, jus5 to make Jeffery and Olive dig deeper?

Try to limit yourself to two answers for this round. I refer to songs but classical music is included

1. Name one (or two) songs that stop you in your tracks
2. Name one (or two) songs you like that are totally out of your normal genre
3. Name a song “everybody” loves that leaves you cold
4. Name a song (or two) that consistently lightens your heart and makes you feel good.

Okay, here goes:
1. “The Boxer,” Simon & Garfunkel, studio version only
“Wichita Lineman,” written by Jimmy Webb, performed by Glen Campbell
2. “One True Vine,” Mavis Staples
(See also “Wichita Lineman)
3. I should probably change my password after this but - John Lennon’s “Imagine”
4. Suzy Ragsdale’s “Best Regards” is on just about every playlist I have, and heads up my “hit the highway for awhile” list.

Anybody wanna play? I’m thinking next round should be “Songs you love to hate/hate to love,” and or “pop songs that take you back to childhood.”