A very interesting paper on existing drugs that might help with Covid came out recently:

The TOGETHER randomised, platform clinical trial

And this is not in Billy-Bob's Cool Drugs You Might Like, this is in Lancet, one of the premier medical journals in the world. This was a large random blind drug trial that tried a number of drugs, including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. All the other drug trials were stopped because they found no benefit, but the fluvoxamine trial had to be stopped because it was so effective. After enough data was collected it became unethical to keep on giving the control group placebo.

Fluvoxamine is a SSRI anti-depressant used to treat depression, OCD, and PTSD. It is effective but it usually takes months before it's benefits are seen. In this trial it was given to high-risk Covid-positive patients for a short course.

Three very important points:
1) Ivermectin, even given early and in a recommended dose, does not work!
2) Fluvoxamine is not a steroid. It does not suppress most of the immune system like steroids, just cytokine production. So unlike steroids, it can be started in the early viral replication phase without harming the immune response to the virus. At $4 per course, we should be giving this immediately to everybody with any symptoms, a positive PCR test, or a positive rapid antigen test. This could very significantly reduce Covid hospitalizations world-wide. Almost all of the serious side effects occur after months of use.
3) Fluvoxamine therapy will not interfere with a Covid patient's immune system T and B-cell activation and production of antibodies. It is also compatible with vaccination or Monoclonal Antibody treatment.

Here is a MedCram Youtube video that discusses it:

MedCram Video