NW_P is correct about meal kit services: Too much packaging, but portions are exactly right.

After I posted yesterday about quitting the meal kit service, I didn't. I'm just not going to order any more meals which includes ground beef. In fact, I got a delivery on TH 10/30 and didn't get around to preparing it last weekend. I was actually going to toss the entire three meals yesterday. When I went to toss out the proteins (Chicken package, ground beef package, and a bacon package) I had placed the packages toward the back of the refrigerator and they were hard-chilled. The produce still looked good.

i thought: Welp, I'll make the meal with the bacon - Linguine Carbonara, bacon can't go bad. So I did, and it was delicious.

I put the chicken and ground beef toward the font to the shelf last night and made the chicken meal for lunch today: Chicken Dijon. It was delish.

I will not chance the ground beef. Later today, I'm going to the grocery store, I think I'll get my own ground beef and make the recipe tomorrow.
