Mansplaining vs Himpathy

I really hesitat to try explain mansplaining to women on this thread, or anywhere for that matter, so this is just for the guys. Similarly I would not try explaining gay culture to gays, or black culture to blacks, or Qanon to schizophrenics. If I had tried mansplaining in my nuclear family, I would have had my head handed to me!


“Himpathy” is the idea that we feel sorry for men even when they’ve behaved abhorrently. How do himpathy and mansplaining go together?

Himpathy is what I think of as the excessive or undue sympathy given to men over their female victims in cases of misogynistic behavior, like sexual assault. Himpathy and mansplaining interact by making us feel sorry for men we would otherwise sharply correct. We feel preemptively sorry for him if he would feel humiliated, or even chastened, by being corrected. And it makes us feel guilty, or even ashamed, for thinking of it.