Not wanting to beat a dead horse here but there are a couple of points I want to make on this home-school thing.

First I should say that I’m as dubious about home-schooling as anyone else. I believe it can be done well but it takes educated parents with an immense amount of drive. I know that the homeschooling movement grew out of the evangelical Christian community. I have no idea what the success rate is, or what defines success.

We - that is, I and, I’m fairly sure, a lot of others, have said for a long time that if you don’t like your public school(s) you can work to change them, or you can go elsewhere - to private schools or homeschooling. These people are doing exactly that. They appear to be more organized and more active than we might like.

I don’t like what’s happening, I don’t like it at all. But I also don’t like the stereotyping. Some of the people in this group of would-be bookburners may be homeschoolers, but I’d bet as many or more have students enrolled in public schools. They bother me far more than those who have removed themselves from the system.