This is heartbreaking news. Capitol Hill Blue's Reader Rant was my first foray into online political forums.
I'd seen a couple of email listservs before that but nothing like the Rant.
I never expected (at that time) to become so attached to everyone here and this feels like losing family all over again.

I used to be "Checkerboard Strangler" here until real names became the option to pick, but I am still Checkers elsewhere on other
forums. I hope I can find all you good people.

But most of all, I want to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to Doug for the most enlightening journey of my political life.
I think I would have been an uninformed lost soul had it not been for Doug's hard work here at CHB-RR.
Now I'm going to feel lost, and rootless.

But I will be around and easy to find.
I hope the rest of you, including Honcho Doug, will be too.

I'm out of words to express my feelings, all too common with me these mushy COVID brain isn't able to
make my grief flow to the keyboard the way I want it to.
I want to stay with all of you somehow, this is not the kind of thing where I see it as "Oh well, nice chatting with ya" and then
it all disappears.