Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Getting back on topic, what are we all going to do to stay in touch when the Rant goes away?

Can't us Ranters find a hosting site for RR? It's not like we get a gazillion posts and eat up data and storage usage. Hmm Mebbe we can even partner with Doug so that articles on CHB get discussed here - thereby creating cross-over Ranters.. Then RR and CHB both can continue on. smile

There is no reason why these legacy sites should go away - just pass the torch. laugh

A lot of online forums have a "thermometer style" funding portal on their front page.
One of the popular forums I go to asks for $290 a month to pay for their servers, and they seem to meet it with ease every month.
The little "funding thermometer" shows where they are at. When they reach the $290 the whole thing goes away till the first of the next month.
I've even tossed a ten spot at them once in a while.

I'd gladly donate monthly to keep The Rant going if I thought most everyone else would, but obviously the more Ranters, the easier it would be.

I have been an infrequent contributor for some time, and greatly regret it. This is by far the best discussion site I've ever been involved in, which is why I was willing to agree to be a Moderator all those decades ago, now.

I have had conniptions the last couple of times there was a hiccup on the server - I follow, even when I don't post. I am in the process of setting up a website for my family. I might consider the same process for us, here, but it would take some pretty quick manipulation to get it set up before Saturday! I just have a hard time thinking of y'all not being a part of my life as you have been for nearly half of it.

For those of you who might be interested, I'm going to do something dangerous and post an e-mail here for communicating. ANWGuy2d@gmail.com. I don't know how we might share the registration list or set up an announcement for invitations, given some pretty serious privacy concerns, but given the relatively small membership at present, I think we might be able to figure something out.

I am not a site administrator of any kind, and I have no idea how big the archives are, but I can see the prospect of at least having a mail group for the most die-hard of us. I know the administrators, especially Doug, have taken the bulk of the labor in keeping the Rant going, and it is tremendously appreciated.