I’ll answer your questions Jeff just to clarify my position.
Do you think that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians are neo-Nazis and antisemites?
No, not at all. I never said that. A significant amount, however, do exist where it matters, with backing of oligarchs, to cause no end of trouble. Including scuttling the implementation of Minsk agreements. They have also been causing a good deal of violence toward the Russian aligned breakaways.
Do you think that the Ukrainian people cast a fair vote in the Zelensky election?
That’s a bit muddled. What’s a fair vote? But I do think Zelensky’s election was a crushing rebuke to the right wing elements involved in Maidan and the ultranationalist In general. His platform had broad support including better relations with Russia.
Do you think that the Ukrainian desire for sovereign self determination is valid?
Yes, in as much as their self determination does not lead to their destruction from miscalculation. There was no reason they could not have had integration with Europe in some form. Zelensky’s move to become part of NATO led his country into direct conflict with Russia. They have been played by us, IMO.
Thank you.
"A significant amount, however, do exist where it matters, with backing of oligarchs, to cause no end of trouble" ⬆⬆⬆
ALSO right here in the USA.Incoming SecDef Lloyd Austin even made it one of his big ticket issues when he took office.
I've known about it for well over fifteen years, and I only say that because it never occurred to me prior to that.
One day we're in the car dealer picking out Karen's new van and the salesman was trying to score points because like Karen, his son is a vet.
So he breaks out the scrapbook and there's his shirtless son sporting SS lightning bolts, Aryan crosses and swastikas all over his body, a veritable inkfest.
Difficult not to puke right then and there.
Zelensky election, the people of Ukraine spoke, in numbers significant enough to show that, while they are grudgingly tolerating the neo-nazi element in their midst,
they're clearly not overjoyed and, should Zelensky prevail, I expect we will see some housecleaning.
Zelensky's "MOVE" to join NATO? Near as I can tell even the most ardent interpretation of Zelensky's intent comes with the understanding
that NATO membership was never promised. Hinted at? Maybe, but even the most starry eyed in our policy tanks recognize the difficulty of NATO against the doorstep
and I think the NATO angle is overblown and overhyped as much as ivermectin was.
And sorry but I also think Putin was going to go this route NATO or NO NATO because just the fact of a democratic Ukraine was more than he was willing to tolerate.
Donald was attempting to PULL US OUT of NATO...and Putin expected it was a fait accompli in Donnie's second term.
Now that that's gone, Vlad is super pissed.
Is the United States/NATO to blame for Euromaidan?
Is the Russia-Ukraine conflict today
just about balance of power?
Is this a proxy fight between a democratic West (including Ukraine) and a dictatorial fascist Russian despot with dreams of global conquest?