Originally Posted by Greger
This is not the time to be subtle. We are fighting for our virtual lives here and Doug is working his ass off to make this happen for us.

So if you enjoy reading without commenting or if you are a regular bloviator, please, toss a few bucks in the tip jar!

Appreciate your comments and support. I have received some messages asking how much we need. I've paid rental on the new hosting server for a year, bought some new protection software and had some unexpected costs we didn't expect on relocating RR to its new locations with a new domain name, Donations helped cover most of the costs, including extended the old server rental for the month of March, but I'm almost caught up. A couple of members have set up monthly payments that help. Right now, I'm about $300 in the hole. That's not a monthly deficit but a one-time overage created by the extra cost of the move. That used to not seem like a lot but as a retiree who now lives on fixed income with a few bucks coming in from time to time on contract reporting and photojournalism jobs, $300 can make the difference between making it for the next few weeks or living, as Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen, once sang: "on seeds and stems again."

Either way, RR is safe now for the next year as far as domain rentals and life on the web is concerned. Thanks to the help and desire of each of you, it's not going anywhere.

Thanks again