Big news on the Gerrymandering/Redistricting front. New York's supreme court has thrown our that states new map. Which shrinks the Democrats gerrymandering advantage from a plus 10 democratic leaning districts and a minus 6 republican leaning districts to a plus 7 Democratic leaning districts along with minus 3 Republican districts.


New York’s supreme court struck down New York’s new congressional map due to gross partisan gerrymandering in violation of that’s states constitution. We’re back down to 46 states having completed the redistricting process. There are now 4 states left, New York, Florida, Missouri and New Hampshire. 371 districts are now completed, leaving 64 districts to be redrawn. There are 38 competitive, switchable, at risk districts. Currently held by 28 Democrats and 10 Republicans. Safe seats as of 23 Apr 2022, 157 Democratic, 176 Republican.

The importance of safe seats is that they let you know how many seats from the competitive/at risk column and those districts yet to be redrawn a party must win to gain control of the House. As of today, the democrats need 61 more seats to reach the magic number of 218. The Republicans need 42. It remains to be seen how many safe seats each of the 4 remaining states add to each party’s safe seat column along with how many will go into the competitive/at risk column. The 4 remaining states are New York, New Hampshire, Florida and Missouri.