Had this been 1865, all of these unAmericans would have been rounded up and either hanged or deported to Ft Jefferson, almost immediately. Because they have not been, they have now concluded conspiracy to overthrow the government is not only OK but it is the thing which should be done, should your party not win an election. The intentional listlessness of the DoJ to pursue investigations into a conspiracy to overthrow the government is not only tantamount to placing everyone involved above the law but condones and endorses future anti-Democratic coups.

Democracy is in peril. I fear a failure to execute the mandates of my contractual agreement has been voided irreparably. There may be nothing left to do but to dissolve the binds of the Constitution and declare each citizen a sovereign citizen, beholden to no one or no state.

We are indeed lost. I will hold a candle light vigil tonight, mourning the passing of what was a once great Democratic state.